1. 3DTV-Confer ence
2. ACM Internationl Conference Froceeding Series
3. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
4. ACM Transactions on Internet of Things
5. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Ferformance Evaluation of Computing Systems
6. ACM Transactions on Fars11el Computing
7. ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Sci ence
8. A1gori thmica
9. Asi an Himalayas International Conference on Internet
10. Big Earth Data
11. CAD Computer Aided Desig
12. Cognitive Computation
13. COMPEL一The International Jounal for Computation and Mathematics in Flectrica
14. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
15. Computer Graphics Forum
16. Computer Optics
17. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructwre Engineering
18. Computerired Medical Imaging and Gr sphi cs
19. Computers and Graphics (Per gamon)
20. IEE Internet of Things Journal
21. IEE Internet of Things Magarine
22. IEE Networking Letters
23. IEEE Pacific Yi suali rati on Symposium
24. TEEE Pervasive Computing
25. TEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, RWS
26. TEEE Symposium on Adsptive Dynamic Proeramming and Reinforcement Learning. ADPEL
27. IEE Symposium on Web Society
28. IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology and Applications, ISWTA
29. IEE Systems Journal
30. IEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine
31. TEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
32. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing
33. Ji suanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers
34. Journal of Combinatorisl Optimiration
35. Journal of Computer and System Sciences
36. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
37. Jowrnal of Computer Science and Techno1ogv
38. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
39. Jowrnal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
40. Jowrnal of CyberSecurity Techno1ogv
41. Jounal of Cybersecurity
42. UNCECOMP Pr oceedings
43. Yi sual Computer
44. Web3D Symposi um Froceedings
45. Froceedings of the WLDB Endowment
46. Queueing Systems